Money Laundering Risks Arising from Trafficking of Human Beings and Smuggling of Migrants

The FTAF has released their latest report on an increasingly common crime: The trafficking of human beings and smuggling of migrants.

The FATF has carried out a study which describes the money flows related to these two distinct problems and attempts to assess their scale. The key objectives of the report are the following:
To assess the scale of the problem;
To identify different trends in trafficking in human beings/ migrant smuggling;
To identify from case studies where money laundering is occurring and what form it is taking;
To inform law enforcement agencies on the laundering of funds coming from human
trafficking/ migrant smuggling;
To identify red flag indicators to assist financial institutions in their identification of money
laundering from human trafficking/ migrant smuggling, and in the reporting of suspicious transaction reports;
To increase the possibility of the proceeds of human trafficking/migrant smuggling being
identified and confiscated, and thereby discouraging the activity of human trafficking or
migrant smuggling.

The full report is available here,3746,en_32250379_32237202_48412265_1_1_1_1,00.html

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