Workshop Background and Aims
Hold-Ups can occur in virtually any business that handles cash or high value goods. This workshop aims to review the guidelines for the safety of staff from the threat of robbery and assist staff to identify opportunities for robbery in their workplace. The programme will help to develop preventative strategies and identify ways to keep safe during a robbery.
Workshop Objectives
By the end of this programme you will;
• Identify the factors that impact on staff, employees and management when confronted by a robbery
• Understand the principles that need to be implemented to survive a robbery
• Identify the possible effects of being involved in a hold-up and the correct procedures to minimise the impact to personnel
• Understand that employee safety and well-being is the primary objective
• Identify prevention strategies
Workshop Format
The programme will be highly participative and include discussions and exercises to address the objectives. The attendees will be encouraged to interact and discuss the relevant areas to ensure that knowledge and skills are developed.
Throughout the day the participants will explore how they can use the techniques and approaches to improve their safety in their workplace, minimise potential risks of robbery and how to deal with a robbery situation. Participants will learn safety skills and contribute to a prevention action plan using a template designed around this course outline.
Workshop Content
1. Introduction
- Employers and employees responsibilities
- Briefing on safety principles of robbery
- Robbery – who’s at risk
- Characteristics of hold-ups and robberies
2. Risk Management
- Risk Management process to deter robbery
- Identification of risk
- Education and Training – safety and security procedures
- Monitoring function to review policies and their effectiveness
- PR Strategy to manage communications post robbery and minimise intrusion for all staff members
- Robbers and their crime
3. Cash minimisation/ transfer
- How workplace changes can minimise risk and create a safer workplace environment
- Best practice
4. Hold up survival rules
- Simple steps to take which can reduce the risk of violence / injury
- Safety during a robbery
5. Post hold-up procedures
- Operational procedures following a robbery
- Identifying robbers
- Post robbery support system
- Procedures for reporting crime